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"5 Things We Want to See in Star Trek Beyond" с моими комментариями
"Simon Pegg, poet laureate and self-described poster boy of geekdom, told the Radio Times recently that he'd just submitted the first draft of his Star Trek screenplay—just four weeks, alarmingly, before the production is supposed to start shooting. But while the news isn't exactly confidence-inspiring, Star Trek fans know to have faith: a lifelong devotee of the series (and, alongside pals Nick Frost and Edgar Wright, a great screenwriter), Pegg is just about the best man around for the job. As the sсript is locked down and the shoot gets under way, here are five things we hope to see in Star Trek Beyond ".
"just four weeks, alarmingly, before the production is supposed to start shooting". Ха, дедлайнер. Будем надеятся, что все не зря и качество сценария окажется прямо пропорциональным количеству затраченного на него времени. "a lifelong devotee of the series " - не знала этого о Саймоне Пегге. Вероятно, он доволен, что ему выпала возможность самому поучаствовать в развитии любимой вселенной. "Pegg is just about the best man around for the job". Оптимистично.
"1. More Science
Scientific rigor has always been a hallmark of the Star Trek universe, which may account for why its fans have always taken it so seriously—because it's easy to feel that the creators take it seriously too. The Star Trek reboot , of course, was designed to open up a once-exclusive niche world up to a more general audience, and as a result the customary discussions and debates that were once the show's dramatic bread and butter were exchanged for keyed-up shootouts and space chases. Spectacle of that kind is all well and good, mind you, and JJ Abrams handled the speed and scale exceptionally well. But it would be nice to see a Star Trek movie return, if only for a little while, to the scrupulous intellectualism that made the show so appealingly heady and dense".
Да-да, было раньше в Треке такое. Если уж не научность, то, по крайней мере, наукообразность. Не зря же у термина "Техноболтовня" - "Technobabble" есть специальная форма "Treknobabble"
"2. More Science-Fiction
This is less true of the original series than of its successor, The Next Generation , but one of the reliable joys of Star Trek was its penchant for occasional Twilight Zone -style stories—self-contained, high-concept bottle episodes that plunged our heroes into outlandish science fictions. Every few weeks, on TNG , a member of the Enterprise crew would find himself plucked from the familiar bridge and dropped down in some bizarro alternate universe, or whisked away into another timeline, or computer-fried into a Holodeck simulation. Pegg has said that he would like to see Star Trek turn into "a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters"—and what better way to do that then to whip up a ludicrous dream sequence or time-warp into the distant past? Star Trek used to dream up all manner of wacky scenarios for our heroes to contend with, often making use of whatever TV and movie sets the studio had kicking around. At the movie's scale there's no limit to what sort of lunacy they could devise".
Даже не знаю, что сказать. "Pegg has said that he would like to see Star Trek turn into "a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters". Посмотрим.
"3. More Repartee
One of the charms of the Abrams Star Trek reboot was the harmony apparent in its writing and casting: pinballing from witticisms to one-liners, the actors bounced banter back and forth with one another like the leads in a screwball comedy. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto , however concerned Star Trek fans were with the likenesses when they were hired, proved the ideal candidates for taking Kirk and Spock into the 21st century, not least because they had the chemistry of lifelong friends. Into Darkness made the mistake of scaling back on the social electricity indulged in the first time around. It would be nice to see that returned to once again here".
Комментарии? Какие комментарии? Простите, загляделась. Какие взгляды!!!![:inlove:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1178.gif)
"4. An Original Concept
Among the many problems suffered by Star Trek Into Darkness , none was quite so galling as the well-buried revelation that John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) was in fact the villainous Khan—and that Into Darkness was therefore a thinly veiled remake of The Wrath thereof. The trouble, of course, is that The Wrath of Khan had already been not-so-subtly channeled by Star Trek Nemesis before this, making Into Darkness the third iteration of more or less identical material. As a result the twists and turns that packed a wallop 1982 played out rather predictably here, while set pieces regaled as legendary returned as warmed-over. The impulse was understandable: Khan is considered the triumph of the Star Trek series, and it boasts much that the remake would want to do over. But how about an original story? On television Star Trek managed to come up with a new adventure every week for thirty years. Surely a third film could stand to show us something we've never seen before".
Относительно недавно видела в каком-то Трек-сообществе на дайри информацию о том, что создатели нового фильма планируют отойти от классического Трека. Если найду тот пост опять, добавлю ссылку. Не знаю, хорошая это новость или плохая, но увидеть "something we've never seen before" есть все шансы.
"5. Less Severity, More Fun
Few people, hardcore fans included, expected that a Star Trek reboot would be so fun—so energetic, so vigorous, so gleeful in its action and its comedy both. Which is why it was so disappointing to find the sequel settle back into the usual Christopher Nolan-inspired severity. Star Trek , even at its most serious, was never self -serious, and certainly never wanted to look gloomy or dour. But for some reason Into Darkness was all steel and smoke, all tragic deaths and post-9/11 unease. For round three we hope to find Simon Pegg's characteristic wit giving the franchise a much-needed jolt of comic resuscitation, returning our heroes to the first film's unbridled enthusiasm and space-opera élan".
Что-что, а чувство юмора у Саймона Пегга есть, "Simon Pegg's characteristic wit".
Обзорам Трек-фэндома
Ссылку дать мало, поскольку у меня есть свои мысли по поводу. Буду репостить и добавлять комментарии. Их выделю курсивом.
"5 Things We Want to See in Star Trek Beyond" с моими комментариями
"Simon Pegg, poet laureate and self-described poster boy of geekdom, told the Radio Times recently that he'd just submitted the first draft of his Star Trek screenplay—just four weeks, alarmingly, before the production is supposed to start shooting. But while the news isn't exactly confidence-inspiring, Star Trek fans know to have faith: a lifelong devotee of the series (and, alongside pals Nick Frost and Edgar Wright, a great screenwriter), Pegg is just about the best man around for the job. As the sсript is locked down and the shoot gets under way, here are five things we hope to see in Star Trek Beyond ".
"just four weeks, alarmingly, before the production is supposed to start shooting". Ха, дедлайнер. Будем надеятся, что все не зря и качество сценария окажется прямо пропорциональным количеству затраченного на него времени. "a lifelong devotee of the series " - не знала этого о Саймоне Пегге. Вероятно, он доволен, что ему выпала возможность самому поучаствовать в развитии любимой вселенной. "Pegg is just about the best man around for the job". Оптимистично.
"1. More Science
Scientific rigor has always been a hallmark of the Star Trek universe, which may account for why its fans have always taken it so seriously—because it's easy to feel that the creators take it seriously too. The Star Trek reboot , of course, was designed to open up a once-exclusive niche world up to a more general audience, and as a result the customary discussions and debates that were once the show's dramatic bread and butter were exchanged for keyed-up shootouts and space chases. Spectacle of that kind is all well and good, mind you, and JJ Abrams handled the speed and scale exceptionally well. But it would be nice to see a Star Trek movie return, if only for a little while, to the scrupulous intellectualism that made the show so appealingly heady and dense".
Да-да, было раньше в Треке такое. Если уж не научность, то, по крайней мере, наукообразность. Не зря же у термина "Техноболтовня" - "Technobabble" есть специальная форма "Treknobabble"
"2. More Science-Fiction
This is less true of the original series than of its successor, The Next Generation , but one of the reliable joys of Star Trek was its penchant for occasional Twilight Zone -style stories—self-contained, high-concept bottle episodes that plunged our heroes into outlandish science fictions. Every few weeks, on TNG , a member of the Enterprise crew would find himself plucked from the familiar bridge and dropped down in some bizarro alternate universe, or whisked away into another timeline, or computer-fried into a Holodeck simulation. Pegg has said that he would like to see Star Trek turn into "a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters"—and what better way to do that then to whip up a ludicrous dream sequence or time-warp into the distant past? Star Trek used to dream up all manner of wacky scenarios for our heroes to contend with, often making use of whatever TV and movie sets the studio had kicking around. At the movie's scale there's no limit to what sort of lunacy they could devise".
Даже не знаю, что сказать. "Pegg has said that he would like to see Star Trek turn into "a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters". Посмотрим.
"3. More Repartee
One of the charms of the Abrams Star Trek reboot was the harmony apparent in its writing and casting: pinballing from witticisms to one-liners, the actors bounced banter back and forth with one another like the leads in a screwball comedy. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto , however concerned Star Trek fans were with the likenesses when they were hired, proved the ideal candidates for taking Kirk and Spock into the 21st century, not least because they had the chemistry of lifelong friends. Into Darkness made the mistake of scaling back on the social electricity indulged in the first time around. It would be nice to see that returned to once again here".
Комментарии? Какие комментарии? Простите, загляделась. Какие взгляды!!!
"4. An Original Concept
Among the many problems suffered by Star Trek Into Darkness , none was quite so galling as the well-buried revelation that John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) was in fact the villainous Khan—and that Into Darkness was therefore a thinly veiled remake of The Wrath thereof. The trouble, of course, is that The Wrath of Khan had already been not-so-subtly channeled by Star Trek Nemesis before this, making Into Darkness the third iteration of more or less identical material. As a result the twists and turns that packed a wallop 1982 played out rather predictably here, while set pieces regaled as legendary returned as warmed-over. The impulse was understandable: Khan is considered the triumph of the Star Trek series, and it boasts much that the remake would want to do over. But how about an original story? On television Star Trek managed to come up with a new adventure every week for thirty years. Surely a third film could stand to show us something we've never seen before".
Относительно недавно видела в каком-то Трек-сообществе на дайри информацию о том, что создатели нового фильма планируют отойти от классического Трека. Если найду тот пост опять, добавлю ссылку. Не знаю, хорошая это новость или плохая, но увидеть "something we've never seen before" есть все шансы.
"5. Less Severity, More Fun
Few people, hardcore fans included, expected that a Star Trek reboot would be so fun—so energetic, so vigorous, so gleeful in its action and its comedy both. Which is why it was so disappointing to find the sequel settle back into the usual Christopher Nolan-inspired severity. Star Trek , even at its most serious, was never self -serious, and certainly never wanted to look gloomy or dour. But for some reason Into Darkness was all steel and smoke, all tragic deaths and post-9/11 unease. For round three we hope to find Simon Pegg's characteristic wit giving the franchise a much-needed jolt of comic resuscitation, returning our heroes to the first film's unbridled enthusiasm and space-opera élan".
Что-что, а чувство юмора у Саймона Пегга есть, "Simon Pegg's characteristic wit".
Обзорам Трек-фэндома
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