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19.05.2012 в 18:29
Пишет rynsk:Shatner's words
tracionn пишет в kirkspock
I'm so sorry to spam that comm with Shatner's words but Oh God they are rather relevant.
Am at a con and he's up on stage and he was asked how many relationships with aliens he had in the entire Star Trek series. He sad: "Only one and that was continous."
Then he went on speaking about general aliens but we were sure which special alien he meant.
Only one.
And that was continous.
Это, конечно, всем давно известно и всякое такое, но еще одна доза эмоций ФЫВАПРОУАПР мне не помешает, ибо одной больше одной меньше.
Ай лав евериуан ин зыс бар.
URL записиtracionn пишет в kirkspock
I'm so sorry to spam that comm with Shatner's words but Oh God they are rather relevant.
Am at a con and he's up on stage and he was asked how many relationships with aliens he had in the entire Star Trek series. He sad: "Only one and that was continous."
Then he went on speaking about general aliens but we were sure which special alien he meant.
Only one.
And that was continous.
Это, конечно, всем давно известно и всякое такое, но еще одна доза эмоций ФЫВАПРОУАПР мне не помешает, ибо одной больше одной меньше.
Ай лав евериуан ин зыс бар.